92nd Annual IACTE Conference - CTE - Essential for the Future Workforce!
Conference Details
Early Bird Registration fee must be received by December 15, 2021 in order to take advantage of the early bird fee. A Purchase order must be paid in full by December 15, 2021 in order to take advantage of the early bird rate.
Refund requests must be in writing and will be honored until February 1, 2022. A $50 handling fee will be assessed.
Conference Hotel Information: IACTE has secured a special conference rate at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Normal, Illinois, of $128 for Single/Double. To book, call 888-236-2427, or use this link, Book your group rate for IACTE Conference Feb 2022. The deadline to book at this rate is January 26, 2022.
Please Click Here to make Hotel Accommodations.
COVID 19 Protocols will be followed at the Bloomington Normal Marriott Hotel and Conference Center.